Date: Mon, 08 Sep 1997
URGENT -- After you read the material below,
PLEASE respond by
or as soon as possible, by email, fax, or phone,
on the following points:
1. Will someone from your organization be likely
to attend?
(If not, what
changes would increase the likelihood?)
2. How does this sound? Is it a reasonable
starting point?
Should topic
be any broader? Narrower?
Any thoughts,
3. Workshop Content:
LABS: What technologies would you like to present?
What questions would you like answered?
What areas would you like to have emphasized?
Would you prepare a presentation on some aspect of industry needs?
Would you help in the planning? Be chairperson?
4. Preferences on dates.
UFTO Topic Workshop
---> A preliminary program invitation <----
* What do utilities (and their customers?) need
* What do the Labs have to offer
Topics: risk management, assessment, measurement, sensors, removal, destruction/disposal, equipment, devices, systems, prevention, etc.
Cochair: Don Johnson, Director, Center for Industrial Technology Systems, Argonne National Labs
Attendance: (by invitation)
-- UFTO Member Company Experts
-- Federal Lab representatives, also DOE, EPA
Purpose -- A forum for:
-- An informal dialogue and exchange of ideas;
-- The market to say what it needs;
-- The Labs to show what they have done and can
-- Relationship building;
-- Exploration of collaborative opportunities.
Place: Phoenix AZ, Hosted by Arizona Public Service Co.
Time: Nov 18,19 or Nov 19,20 --- 1 1/2 days
Alternate: Nov 6,7
Costs: Own travel and accomodations.
(Possibly a small registration fee to cover meeting
Short presentations by both utility and lab attendees,
emphasis on roundtable discussion.
Success Measures:
All attendees learn something useful; collaborations
initiated; utilities adopt lab technology;
labs gain better understanding of market needs; etc.
UFTO member utility companies have seen detailed reports on the work at each of many Federal Labs, and this material has been well received. Now, our goal is to concentrate in a particular technical area, and bring together representatives and the technology offerings from across all the labs, for the purposes outlined above.
REMEDIATION receives a huge amount of attention at all DOE National Labs, because these sites have major clean-up challenges of their own. They have major programs in all aspects of cleanup and R&D into new technologies, including technology assessment, development and demonstration support, and analyses and compilations of proven and emerging technology.
Utilities face a number of remediation issues in land, ground and surface water, and ecosystems. Examples include contamination from PCBs, manufactured gas sites, chorinated solvents, various fuels and lubricants, and coal and ash pile runoff. The also face requirements under RECRA, and to reduce and recycle wastes in the future.
How can the Labs and Utilities work together to develop and apply the best and most effective solutions? Utilities, as businesses, must seek to minimize costs and risks. So they will prefer proven methods over new or experimental ones, even though the new ones could turn out to be better in the end.
The Labs have a mission to come up with new techniques, in part because their own needs for clean-up are so great that the task would cost too much with the available proven methods. One challenge for the workshop participants is to bridge the gap between R&D on the one hand, and acceptance and use on the other. Lab and utility participants should come away with a better understanding of each other, and ideas for collaboration and new approaches.
The proposed plan below is based on the last
UFTO Topic Workshop which worked reasonably well. However people said they
wanted more time both for the meetings and for socializing
--- Proposed AGENDA -----
1st Day ------------------------
8:00 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30 Welcome and Introductions
9:30 - 12:00 Framing the Challenge--Industry Needs
Brief Presentations by Utility Reps Followed
by Discussion
10:15- 10:30 BREAK
12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH
1:00 - 5:00 The Labs and What They Offer Utilities
by each lab:
Brief intro about lab, mission, etc.
Technologies and Methods applicable to utilities
6:30 pm DINNER (speaker)
2nd Morning ---------------------------
8:00 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 9:30 Prioritization of Topics for Detailed
- Summarize Specific
- Summarize Key
Gaps/Needs of Industry
- What Can Labs
9:30 - Brainstorming -- (Priorities, Opportunities, Obstacles)
"Hits" (Specific match identified)
- Technical Presentations
by Labs
- Industry Response
"Gaps" (Unmet needs that Labs could address)
- Define the need
in detail
(Including long range future developments)
- Lab Response
11:30 Wrap Up, Next Steps, and Call for Action
12:00 Adjourn