Combustion Modeling
Source: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Date: 7/1/93    Record No.: 10012
Contact: Charles Westbrook, 510-422-4108

Combustion Modeling
IC engines, use of refinery gas. Works very closely with Sandia/Livermore's combustion group. He does chemical kinetics, toxics, Clean Air Act, etc. They do more numerical work, and have a major coal program.
- Big CRADA with automakers, Cummins & other engine makers, Sandia and Los Alamos for modeling to reduce HC and NO emissions from engines. (Separate from post combustion NOx project).
- Haven't had much contact with utilities--have gone to auto, oil, mfg industries first.
Putting together concept for consortium with oil companies for a "Clean Air Act Center."
- Ultra low-NOX nat. gas burner--subcontract to UC Irvine/Calif Instittute for Energy Efficiency.
- GRI project similar/related
- Also for GRI--Burner Engineering Research Lab at Sandia
