Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Date: 1/1/94    Record No.: 10039
Contact: General Phone 615-576-5454

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a "GOCO" lab (government-owned, contractor operated). Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc., a division of Martin Marietta Corp., is the contractor that manages ORNL and four other facilities, including the Y-12 Plant and the K-25 Site in the town of Oak Ridge, and gaseous diffusion enrichment facilities at Paducah (KY) and Portsmouth (OH). [Added Note: The recently announced merger of Lockheed and Martin Marietta is not anticipated to have any major impact on ORNL, except that over time there may be more joint activity with Idaho National Energy Lab. This is similar to the closer contact with Sandia that developed after Martin Marietta took over the management of that facility.]

Thus ORNL is a separate entity and organization from Y-12 and K-25, though they are all operated by the same management company. There are many overlapping activities, and some ORNL staff have their offices and facilities physically located at the other sites. For example, Y-12 is also the site of a joint program called "Centers for Manufacturing Technology" (Dave Beck is the contact), a manufacturing skills campus available to private industry on a full cost-recovery basis. Thus, any interaction with ORNL will also provide a point of entry to the other Oak Ridge facilities.

Similar to other DOE labs, ORNL has a matrix organizational structure, where "divisions" aligned by discipline have the people, and "programs" have the projects and budgets. On some occasions, divisions do get funds and projects of their own. Overall, the matrix system is mature and functions very effectively at ORNL.

Both divisions and programs live in research "ALD's" or Associate Laboratory Directorates, headed by Assoc. Lab Directors who, along with other administrative and support groups, report to the Laboratory Director (Alvin Trivelpiece).

ORNL's four research ALD's are:
- Physical Sciences & Advanced Materials
Engineering and Manufacturing
