Federal-Utility Partnership Program (FEMP)
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Date: 1/1/95    Record No.: 10097
Contact: Bob Westby, 303-275-6021; Nancy Carlisle, 303-275-6034; Lou Harris, 202-586-9794

Federal-Utility Partnership Program (FEMP)
Brings to a utility all the Federal government "customers" in the service territory, for concentrated effort to improve efficiency of government buildings by linking to utility DSM and energy savings programs. (Environment Act requires all Fed. buildings to increase effic. by 30% by 2005.) Developed FLEX (Federal Lighting Retrofit Expert System). Utility Working Group is forming subcommittees and held its 3rd meeting December 6 in Atlanta (at AEE meeting). NREL, under FEMP, also sponsors courses on energy savings, performance contracting, and will be offering a two-day course entitled "Impelementing Renewable Energy Projects."
