Analytic Studies, Market Analysis Branch
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Date: 1/1/95    Record No.: 10088
Contact: Walter Short, 303-275-4621; Peter Lilienthal, 303-275-4679

Analytic Studies, Market Analysis Branch
This group is seeking better contacts with utilities. They identify utility-sector market opportunities for renewable technology, and examine institutional barriers. Work includes technology and financial characterization, stakeholder studies, IRP, policy analysis, and use of GIS to identify market opportunities.

Some concepts under development include a methodology to estimate the Capacity Value of intermittent (non-dispatchable) resources like wind, and an optimization model to come up with the right component mix for "village" power systems (i.e. which technologies of what size--wind, PV, batteries, diesel, inverters, etc.) Peter Lilienthal is also working on a model using ADA's Decision Programming Language to value the flexibility of modular technologies, given uncertain load growth. It has the potential for much enhancement.

Another is the use of hydro in combination with wind so together they could be sold as "firm power," particularly when dispatch is emission-constrained. Analytic studies and modeling are investigating the optimal location of DU resources on the grid. (Narayan Rau, 303-275-4637).

State Renewable Energy News is a newsletter prepared by the NARUC Committee on Renewable Energy and published 3x/year by NREL. The contact is Blair Swezey 303-275-4664, who has done studies on externalities, on the status of renewables state-by-state, and on the impact of industry restructuring on the market prospects for renewables. (DU, Distrubuted Utility)
