Indoor Environment Program
Source: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Date: 6/1/95    Record No.: 10110
Contact: Joan Daisey, 510-486-7491

Indoor Environment Program
Ventilation, infiltration, ducts, efficiency in existing buildings, radon, indoor air pollutants, exposure and risk assessment, indoor air quality standards, etc.

Duct Sealing Technology
Mark Modera, 510-486-4678; Max Sherman, 510-486-4022
Energy losses from leaks in ducts are variously estimated to account for as much as 1/3 of the energy used in residential air-distribution heating and cooling. LBL has developed a technique for sealing leaks in existing systems. Analogous to "stopleak" used in automobile cooling systems, an aerosol is injected into the system which deposits itself at leaks, closing them off. Developed at LBL with support of CIEE, it is to be commercialized by EPRI, acting as a member of CIEE. (Agreements currently in negotiation.)

Indoor Air Quality
Becoming more of an issue. Lawsuits more common. Standards being revised. Need better sensors for commercial use. Direct measurement more meaningful than specifying air change rates. LBL working on specific species; e.g., VOCs, CO, etc. Environmental Chambers allow detailed simulation and test of emissions from indoor sources.
