Environmental Technologies
Source: Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Date: 8/1/95    Record No.: 10195
Contact: Jim Hartley, 509-372-4428

Environmental Technologies
PNL has an extensive program in technology for managing wastes and performing remediation, and in analytical risk-based decision support tools, such as the Remedial Action Assessment System (RAAS), Remedial Options (a database available commercially from Battelle), Multi-media Environmental Pollutant Assessment System (MEPAS--prioritizes risk).

As one example, the SAFER code for site characterization was developed at PNL, and CH2M Hill uses it commercially. PNL's tools have credibility, and DOD buy-in, for evaluating remediation alternatives. They provide support to DOE's cleanup efforts in the form of products and services. They also do restoration and cleanup work for almost all government sites, usually partnering with vendors. Key Battelle technologies for remediation include:
Soil: Vitrification*, soil washing , bioventing, chemical stabilization, insitu corona, six phase heating**
Water: Chemical barriers, Bio barriers, Extraction/Injection network, electrochemical oxidation
*Terra-Vit is a versatile low-cost waste vitrification melter that can transform waste into products.
**ERACE heats the soil electrically to free less volatile contaminants.
