Building Energy Standards Program (BESP)
Source: Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Date: 8/1/95    Record No.: 10185
Contact: Jeffery A. Johnson, 509-375-4459

Building Energy Standards Program (BESP)
Building Energy Codes Hotline: 1-800-270-2633 answers questions from state and local code officials, builders and others.

BESP did a survey in 1994 of utilities, to find out what strategies are currently being used to promote energy-efficient building design and construction (sponsored by the DOE Office of Codes and Standards). The complete report is available: PNL-9976, "Lessons Learned from New Construction Utility DSM Programs and Their Implications for Implementing Building Energy Codes"

BESP publishes a newsletter "Building Systems Update."

A new brochure, "Enhancing Today's Buildings, Inventing Tomorrow's Buildings," will be available soon giving a detailed overview of the work in codes, standards, compliance modeling, building (life-cycle!) energy analysis, metering, data-logging, retrofit analysis, building operations and maintenance assessments, etc. Contact C.J. Belcher, FAX 509-375-3614
