Real-Time Power Systems Control (RTPSC)
Source: Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Date: 8/1/95    Record No.: 10181
Contact: Landis Kannberg, 509-375-3919; John DeSteese, 509-375-2057; John Hauer, 509-375-4340

Real-Time Power Systems Control (RTPSC)
Real-Time Power Systems Control is a big issue for the industry, especially on the question of whether utilities will be willing to share the data needed. A control-based strategy will need an extensive information infrastructure, and it needs a fall-back capability, perhaps including repair SWAT teams. There must be complete buy-in to the whole idea, and the conversion may take as much as 2-3 decades.

There appear to be two competing scenarios--one holding that DU will obviate the need for more transmission capacity, and FACTs, which has its own large information needs. PNL prepared a White Paper (Version 1.0 dated March 3, 1994). It outlines a phased strategy for the development and deployment of RTPSC.

Workshops held in recent years have reached a consensus on the R&D needs, which include the need for: gaining a better understanding of optimal power system operation, a new generation of on-line sensing, advanced technology, local adaptive computer control, and systemwide engineering research into new algorithms and modeling approaches.
