Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program (SERDP)
Source: DOD
Date: 4/1/96    Record No.: 10302
Contact: John Harrison, 703-696-2117

Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program (SERDP)
SERDP was established in 1990 to address defense-related environmental needs and to effect transfer of defense-related technologies to/from the private sector. It is a DOD research program planned and executed in full partnership with DOE and EPA, to work on the department's highest priority mission-impacting environmental requirements. In 1993, these evolved to six key environmental "thrust areas": Cleanup, Compliance, Conservation, Pollution Prevention, Renewables, and Global Environmental Change. With the recent budget cuts, however, from $160M/year to $60M/year, the last two are being wrapped up in 1996.

The program is managed by an Executive Director, who works in the Office of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering, DOD. There is a high level multi-agency Executive Working Group (DOD, DOE, EPA, others). Planning groups in each thrust area start with DOD's high priority technology needs, and elicit proposals from any and all Federal agencies. Proposals must come from a Federal agency (or lab), but can and usually do involve partners from industry, small business or academia.

SERDP actively disseminates Program information through a newsletter (SERDP Information Bulletin), symposia and its own Internet site (, reporting on work done in federal Labs and in private companies. Actual tech transfer and intellectual property (e.g., licensing, CRADAs, etc.) are handled by the agency or lab where the project initiated. SERDP's role is research; i.e., to reaching proof of scientific principle, and focusing on high priority, generic environmental problems experienced by more than one branch of the military.

SERDP results thus provide a selective compilation of the work of many agencies of government. They have begun to feature "Success Stories," and have a list of all publications that have resulted since the inception of the program. There is also a Proceedings of their first annual Symposium, held in April '95, and featuring a large number of presentations about specific environmental technologies.

Some examples:
Nonchemical paint stripping with high pressure water;
Encapsulation of hazardous metals in hydrophobic clay;
Advanced acoustic heat pump;
Next generation fire suppression;
Nontoxic antifouling coatings.

Call for more information:
John Harrison, Executive Director
SERDP Program Office
901 N. Stuart St #303
Arlington, VA 22203
703-696-2114 fax

Keywords: efficiency