Subject: Cancelling UFTO Remediation Workshop
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 15:38:41 -0700
From: Ed Beardsworth <>

I regret to say that we're cancelling the Remediation Workshop (Phoenix, November 19,20). Schedule conflicts and other priorities combined to keep the numbers of utilities who could attend well below a "quorum", and we would not have done justice to the several labs who had already agreed to come.

So it shouldn't be a total loss (as a 50's comedian used to say), I would like to suggest the following "virtual" approach to accomplishing some of our objectives:

- Some of the industry's remediation concerns are listed below,
  as gathered from the initial responses to the workshop

  a. Utilities are invited to send me additional comments
    about their needs and priorities.

  b. Labs are invited to review these needs and to suggest
     what technologies they have that might be applicable.

  c. Labs are also invited to submit technologies that they'd
     like the utilities to know about. 

- I will broadcast technology write-ups to UFTO utilities,
  based on information and materials provided by the Labs. I'll
   also facilitate contacts between principals whenever a match seems

One "lesson-learned" that we can gain from this: Utilities tend to perceive the labs as developers of high-end expensive experimental technology, and are therefore wary of devoting time and resources to finding out what else they might be able to provide. Even the labs sometimes make this comment about themselves! Better communication is needed about Lab innovations that are low cost and proven, and utilities could stand to benefit if they could take the time to explore opportunities to test and apply these new techniques.

Thanks to everyone for your support,

Ed Beardsworth

Initial list of utility needs:

Electro remediation technologies,..i.e. ozone injection, vitrification etc.

MGP waste remediation technologies

Oil spill remediation technologies (bioremediation in excavation vs. excavation and landfill/thermal treatment.), comparative costs-benefits.

Are any utilities doing centralized bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil? i.e. have they set up sites and are operating central landfarming/bioremediation facilities?

Are there any improved techniques being developed or could be developed to efficiently analyze PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the field.

Less-invasive techniques to investigate PAHs in soil and groundwater. Soil boring and trenching is usually required, but these are problematic at well  developed sites.