Cost-effective retrofit, ultra low-NOx coal burner
Source: DOE SBIR
Date: 10/23/96    Record No.: 10356
Contact: Michael Virr, 203-259-6101, 203-255-4482,

Cost-effective retrofit, ultra low-NOx coal burner
Retrofit replacement for PC burners at $60-90/kw installed -- cheaper than scrubbers, GTs, buying credits or low S coal.
Rotating drum creates artificial x10 gravity for mini-fluid bed gasifier. Removes ash! NOx below 100ppm and SOx is 90% controlled. Use crush/pellet coal not pulverized. Good with RDF.

(Following text prepared by the company for the Dawnbreaker DOE Commercialization Opportunity Forum," Washington, DC, 10/8-9/96, for small businesses that have received DOE SBIR funding, and who are seeking investors, business partners, or customers.)

"The Company has developed its patented Rotary Combustor (RC) to allow electric utilities to refire boilers to meet Clean Air Act emissions standards for the year 2000 and to improve efficiency at cost significantly lower than any alternative solution. The RC is an ultra low-NOx burner which also removes SOx in the combustion process. Refiring with the RC competes effectively in cost and performance in the combined $1 billion market for scrubbing equipment, low-NOx burners, and SCR systems. We are seeking a strategic partner to help manufacture and market the RC and related technologies."

Spinheat Ltd.
Michael Virr, President
1222 Bronson Rd.
Fairfield CT 06430
