Short Course on Open Access Transmission
Source: University of Illinois
Date: 12/2/96    Record No.: 10414
Contact: Ed Beardsworth, 415-328-5670

Short Course on Open Access Transmission

Below is an excerpt of the course description which appears on the web site given here.
A New Intensive Two-Day Short Course

Engineering Strategies for Open Access Transmission Systems
December 5 and 6, 1996. San Francisco, California

The course provides authoritative coverage of competitive markets, unbundling of services,.transmission pricing, new structures: ISO, PX, scheduling coordinates, engineering tools and software, OASIS, and auction mechanisms.

Course Description

The electric power industry is undergoing the most profound and far-ranging changes in its history. The disintegration of the well-entrenched vertically integrated industry structure is resulting in the unbundling of products and services and the advent of new players and structures. The cooperative and collegial environment of the past in which the obligation to serve was of paramount importance is rapidly being replaced by a fiercely competitive atmosphere of contracts and markets. The significant and wide-ranging legislative and regulatory developments on both the federal and state levels serve to spur on these developments at an even more frantic pace. The engineering, planning, operations and control that evolved in the vertically integrated industry structure are themselves changing to reflect the new realities of the emerging regime. This short course aims to prepare the practicing engineers to transition smoothly into the practices in power system planning, operations, and control that address the needs of the new electricity business.

This course will explain in clear, technical terms the impacts that customer choice, competition, and changing regulatory policies will have on power systems and their operations. The attendees will receive in-depth coverage of the mechanisms, tools, and know-how for dealing effectively with the emerging electricity regime. In addition to providing extensive coverage of competitive market economics, the course imparts a deep understanding of the functioning of the basic physical laws under the new unbundled structure. In particular, the course will stress aspects such as the technical and engineering strategies that are required to effectively manage risks in the new structures; paradoxes of transmission; the pitfalls of various transmission pricing schemes; the impact of acquiring certain ancillary services under competitive conditions; the role of pricing in investment decisions; and the scope of information and its management in competitive markets. A systems engineering approach is used throughout the course whenever appropriate.

A team of leading academic experts with extensive industrial and consulting experience has been assembled to make up the faculty for this course. This group brings very broad and varied technical expertise, and its members have been extensively involved in the restructuring developments in various jurisdictions. Lecture notes and copies of all transparencies are provided.

The course is intended for engineering and technical professionals in utilities, independent generation companies, trading and financial organizations, regulatory agencies, and consulting companies. It will benefit professionals engaged in operations, strategic planning, modeling, financial analysis, pricing, energy brokering, and contracting and policy analysis. Both engineering and management professionals will find the course very useful in their work.

Topics: T&D