Institutional Issues Facing Distributed Resources
Source: National Renewable Energy Lab
Date: 4/2/97    Record No.: 10441
Contact: John Nimmons & Associates, Olympia WA 360-786-6040

Institutional Issues Facing Distributed Resources

"Legal, Regulatory, and Insititutional Issues Facing Distributed Resources Development"

J.T.Nimmons, T.J.Starr, R. Orans, J.Swisher, and J.Singer, December 1996. 120 pages.

Work performed on behalf of NREL and four investor owned-utilities (C&SW, Cinergy, Florida Power Corp., and SDG&E), bertween August 1995 and march 1996, by a team of four consulting firms. It was the survey phase of a project known as the Distributed Resources Institutional Analysis Project, which UFTO member utilities first heard about in early 1995 (UFTO Report on NREL, and UFTO Meeting at NREL).

The report provides an overview of the legal and regulatory framework governing U.S. utilities, both Federal and State, and discusses how Distributed Resources may be affected, in the context of open access and restructuring. Order no. SR-460-21791

This is an NREL Technical Report, available in limited quantities from NREL's Document Distribution Service at 303-275-4363, fax 303-275-4053, or (You can also want ask to be put on the mailing list for the quarterly NREL EnergyPubs list)

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