U.S. Energy Association
Source: U.S. Energy Association
Date: 11/1/94    Record No.: 10079
Contact: John Rasmussen, 202-331-0415

U.S. Energy Association
Contact, USEA, 1620 Eye St. NW, Suite 210, Washington DC

The USEA is the USA's official link to the World Energy Council, which puts on the major "World Energy Conference" every 3 years. The next WEC is in Houston in 1996, and there will be a "warm-up" meeting in Houston May 8-12, 1995 on the Strategic Value of Fossil Fuels, sponsored by USEA and DOE.

Working with AID (Agency for International Development) the USEA has arranged 10 partnerships between US utilities and countries in E. Europe. (Two UFTO members are in this program; e.g., Com Ed with Poland, and Boston Edison with Romania.) EEI is the partner for Russia, owing to the huge size of the utility there. The issues dealt with are mostly management, efficiency of operation, finance, budgets, and business planning. [Our ANL report mentioned this program.]
