Utility Planning and Policy
Source: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Date: 6/1/95    Record No.: 10120
Contact: Ed Kahn, 510-486-6525

Utility Planning and Policy
Nationally recognized experts in utility industry analysis, funded by DOE Office of Utility Technology (OUT), and no utility funding. The product is "analysis." Studies have included competition and bulk power markets, the cost of electricity from IPPs, a comparative analysis of the impact of power purchases on utility cost of capital, transmission pricing, IRP methods and case studies, industry evolution, DSM resource characterization, gas DSM and fuel switching, DSM bidding experience, "The Cost & Performance of Utility Commercial Lghting Programs," J. Eto, et al., LBL-34967, May 94.

The group takes on potentially controversial industrywide issues, and has a reputation for objectivity. An annotated publications list, and copies of the publications, are available from Patty Juergens, Fax # 510-486-6996 or email: pajuergens@lbl.gov.
