Source: Sandia National Laboratories
Date: 7/1/95    Record No.: 10157
Contact: Jim Jellison, 505-844-6397

Sandia's Materials Science and Technology program has 600 staff, and is the largest in DOE. Originally developed to provide non-nuclear components for weapons, it now offers services to a wide range of government customers and private industry. The forte is concurent design of the product and the process to make it.

Expertise includes welding, especially cold welding, and soldering; mechanics; tribology, especially lubricant free, with a focus in electromechanical devices; corrosion, emphasis on electronics (e.g., fluxes on circuits, dissimilar metals, batteries); corrosion kinetics, atmospheric testing facility (sensitivities in ppb); aluminum coatings--developing replacement process with less environmental impact; laser surface ablation.

Smart Processes--predictive models using phenomenological data enhances casting, heat treatment, welding, induction heating, etc.

Aging of organic/polymer materials, accurately accelerated aging tests. Applied to electrical cable in work for the NRC.
