Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors
Source: Sandia National Laboratories
Date: 7/1/95    Record No.: 10140
Contact: Ray Bair, 505-844-1912

Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors
Electrochemical R&D for DOE is long-standing and diverse, meeting many needs for high-quality and reliable systems for weapons programs, and working at the forefront in many nonweapons areas of technology. Lawrence Berkeley Lab is well known for fundamental research, and Sandia for devices, having supplied all the power supplies for nuclear weapons systems since the 1950s.

Until a reorganization on July 1, 1995 Sandia's work in battery technology was part of a larger activity called the "Electronic Components Center," which includes microelectronics, modules, optoelectronics, components, and reliability. With full fabrication capability, this Center could be a valuable resource for a utility's customers in these industries. (DU, Distributed Utilities)
