Fuel Cell Advanced Turbine System (FCATS)
Source: Morgantown Energy Technology Center
Date: 4/1/96    Record No.: 10315
Contact: Mark Williams, 304-285-4747

Fuel Cell Advanced Turbine System (FCATS)
Fuel Cell Advanced Turbine System (FCATS) is a new idea for generation in the >100 MW range, combining a fuel cell with an advanced turbine. The fuel cell is used as a topper, in effect acting as a combustor whose 1000¡C exit temperature feeds into the turbine. METC held a workshop on this recently, and the proceedings will be available shortly. For more information, contact Mark Williams, Product Manager, Fuel Cells, DOE/METC, 304-285-4747; mwilli@metc.doe.gov.

Keywords: turbine