Low-cost fiber optic chemical sensors--Smart Cable (tm) detects leaks along long distance pipelines
Source: DOE SBIR
Date: 10/23/96    Record No.: 10380
Contact: Joe Hopenfeld, 301-340-1625

Low-cost fiber optic chemical sensors--Smart Cable (tm) detects leaks ...

(Following text prepared by the company for the Dawnbreaker DOE Commercialization Opportunity Forum," Washington, DC, 10/8-9/96, for small businesses that have received DOE SBIR funding, and who are seeking investors, business partners, or customers.)

"This company is dedicated to developing and licensing low-cost fiber optic chemical sensors for environmental monitoring and medical diagnostics. The first generation, developed for the detection and discrimination of water and hydrocarbons, is elegant in its simplicity and has been field tested by an independent third party. The corporation has already produced sales of related environmental products. These revolutionary, patented sensors provide continuous monitoring for environmental contamination at very competitive costs. Installed in fuel tanks, pipelines, and landfills, sensor networks provide real-time indications of contaminants and leaks over large and remote geographic areas. Additionally, sensors are being adapted for use in hospitals and medical laboratories to detect the presence of specific biochemicals in bodily fluids. This corporation seeks licensees with strong presence in environmental remediation and potential licensees which will fund continued development of the sensor family in exchange for exclusive licensing rights."

Noverflo, Inc.
Dr. Joe Hopenfeld
Rockville MD
