Remote power generation, residential cogeneration and cryogenic cooling products
Source: DOE SBIR
Date: 10/23/96    Record No.: 10379
Contact: Jeffrey Lubeck, 509-735-4700, 509-736-3660

Remote power generation, residential cogeneration and cryogenic coolin...
(Not presented-- "Already found financing or strategic arrangements")
(Following text prepared by the company for the Dawnbreaker DOE Commercialization Opportunity Forum," Washington, DC, 10/8-9/96, for small businesses that have received DOE SBIR funding, and who are seeking investors, business partners, or customers.)

"Two distinct lines of products, using the same basic technology, have been developed by this eleven year old company. The RG-350TM uses heat from any source to produce electricity for the remote power market (estimated at $30 million annually) while the RG-1000TM will use propane/natural gas to create combined heat and power for the residential cogeneration market (independently assessed to exceed $1 billion annually in ten years). Additional advantages derived from these products include higher fuel efficiency and reliability with lower maintenance, noise, and emissions than any existing products. The company is also manufacturing its BeCOOLTM cryocoolers for use in the computer, superconductivity and sensor cooling markets. Teaming partners are being sought for marketing, distribution and new product development while investor funding will be used for pre-production and manufacturing activities."

Stirling Technology Co.
Mr. Jeffrey Lubeck, Controller
4208 W Clearwater Ave
Kennewick WA 99336-2626

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